The beginning of each year the world goes into a frenzy making New Years Resolutions. I think we've all done it at some point or another: Written a list of about 10 things you want to work on for the New Year.
Here are the
Top 10 Resolutions each year:
10.Get A Better Paying Job
9. Pay of Christmas Debt
8. Take A Trip
7. Work On Spiritual Growth
6. Try Something New
5. Spend More Time With Family10.Get A Better Paying Job
4. Go Back To School
3. Lose Weight
2. Quit Drinking
1. Quit Smoking
Sound Familiar? Wishful thinking? Broken Promises? Motivational Check list? Seriously what the heck IS that?
It is my thought at people all around the world set forth in the tradition of creating resolutions for the new year and are too tired or hung over on Jan 1st to begin or even remember. In my experience, my goal setting is basically determined on day 1. If I wake up New Years day and didn't spend time in my scriptures or go for short walk to get my blood flowing and heart pumping. Then I will probably have a year full of empty Justifications.
So, are New Year's Resolutions a good thing? Do they set us up for failure or do they really motivate us? What's the point? I do think the majority of those doing new years resolutions are doing it out of "tradition." I honestly believe that if you're really going to do something, you will find a way to get it done, resolution or not. I think it has very little to do with the new year and if the goal is written down or not.
I also think for most that the start of the New Year is simply a hope for better things to come. And most of those hoping for better things to come are not really willing to make changes for better things to come, this is why they simply HOPE for it. I picture Archie Bunker sitting in his recliner watching tv as usually. The Door bell rings and it's Hope with a box full of better things for the new year. All Archie had to do was sit there and wait for it to come. No effort or sacrifice on his part. Hope, of the new year! With better things to come.
Am I against Resolutions? Not at all. I think it's good to take eventory of your life each year. What new thing did you learn to do? What new thing did you learn not to do? What old thing have you learned not to do? What worked, What didn't and why? Am I making the same mistakes over and over? How long is the "to do" list from last year and how much if it actually got done? And how often are the things you want done not getting done or getting done. Get what I'm saying?
Resolutions are more of a progress report in my book and that's not a bad thing at all. It can keep you on track if you let it. It's good to have goals and work toward them or else you're pretty much just floating aimlessly through life. I think couples should sit down and make goals as husband and wife and parents. I think they should sit down with their families and make family goals. And I think everyone should spend some time and make individual goals. And I think progress should be tracked so you know if something is working or if something should be altered. I remember having monthly family council when we were younger. It was actually kind of fun when we did have it. More families should instate this kind of thing.
Another peek at the most popular top 10 resolutions
10. Get A Better Paying Job
9. Pay of Christmas Debt
8. Take A Trip
7. Work On Spiritual Growth
6. Try Something New
5. Spend More Time With Family
4. Go Back To School
3. Lose Weight
2. Quit Drinking
1. Quit Smoking
These are great goals. Nothing wrong with them.
To me, on first sight, this looks like a smoking, drinking, obese, uneducated, faith lacking person who want to go on vacation and then pay bills and work on a better job.
But what would it look like if the priority were changed a little?
Check out this version:
1. Work On Spiritual growth
2. Spend More Time With family
3. Pay Off Christmas Debt
4. Go Back To School
5. Quit Drinking
6. Quit Smoking
7. Find Better Job
8. Lose Weight
9. Go On a Trip
10. Try A New Thing
1-3 is basically the foundation of the family, (3 I see as Debt in general) which is the foundation of the community.
4. Education is the key to success.
And I almost bet cash money that getting 1-4 in order will put into place the steps to take care of 5-8. Because you gain a greater love for your family and yourself and that puts into place or prioritizes the other steps. Steps 9 & 10 are just bonus. Especially if 3,5 & 6 are an issue. Actually taking care of 5&6 and possibly number 8 would probably help with 3 & 4.
Anyway we could sit and analyze this all day. But we wont.
I don't make resolutions anymore. The reason I don't really find a need for it is because if I'm going to do something, and I'm serious about it, I'm going to start implementing it NOW, not next year, not the beginning of the month, not on Monday, but NOW! That's how I know I'm serious about a thing, because it is considered a done deal in my mind, it automatically becomes a part of my behavior. I know if I'm putting off a start date or justifying why I haven't done something, I'm not serious and have no intention of it anytime soon. A life of excuses will take you to a dead end or a cul de sac going in circles.
There comes a time, and the start of New Year is as good of time as any. AS ANY, get what I'm saying? IF you're going to do it, you're really not going to want to wait. It's about integrity, for your own benefit. Each day we tell ourselves and others who we are by what we do. So our resolutions and goals and what we do with them tell us our intention and who we are. I'm in favor of them. But I'm more in favor of doing something with them, and not just having them.
1 comment:
you got an amen coming from me! Very good points I'm glad I didn't read your blog first or I could of just copy pasted it to mine but then that would of made my 'resolution' of blogging more obsolete....blogging not copying from someone else! LOL! xoxo
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