People who know me know that when I get stressed or anxious or upset I likes to cook. And then I invite the neighborhood, who likes to eat. It's really a win/win relationship. I've lived 1/2 of my life in Utah for the most part... and other half I grew up in Battle Creek Michigan as a kid.
The Utah traditional meals were Apple Jacks, Frosted flakes, Pop tarts and all manner of Kellogg's breakfast cereals. My daddy worked and retired from Kellogg's and that's how we rolled. I'm STILL a Kellogg's Kids today. I tell you there is nothing like a Strawberry frosted pop tart ice cream sandwich, A mixture of apple jacks & fruit loops or a bowl of Frosted flakes OR Coco Crispy with half/half at midnight :)
We grew up on the typical foods in Michigan... Tuna Noodle Casseroles, Spaghetti, Fried chicken, Macaroni and cheese, Roast beef, Mashed potatoes. Desserts.. a simple bowl of ice cream , chocolate chip cookies or Apple and Peach cobblers.
The Utah tradition of foods is like none other. I'm not saying it's bad, but for sure it's Different. I'll share with you some the traditional favorites:
The most popular is probably the Funeral Potatoes. Mormons have taken scalloped potatoes to new heights with these. You know when someone has passed away and they call and ask... "would you be willing to make THE POTATOES". There's no need in asking "what potatoes." they hand you a flyer with the recipe when you cross the state line so you know. Being a Black Mormon girl, I have to put some SOUL in the potatoes so I don't lose my "Soul Food" card when I venture back into the real world.
There are several variation to Funeral Potatoes but here's the basic recipe... and then I'll add the Soul to it so you can have Funeral Potatoes with SOUL.
8-10 Potatoes cooked, shredded or diced.
couple cans of Cream of Mushroom OR Cream of Chicken Soup
Carton of Sour Cream (abt 2 cups)
Couple cups of Grated Cheese
1/2-1 can of half and half
1/3 chopped onion
crushed corn flakes (abt 2 cups)
9x13 backing pan
Oven Preheated to 350.
I actually don't use the frozen potatoes, or the cornflakes but hey, that's how it goes I guess.
So I boil or back my potatoes with the skins on, then after they cool I peel them and I grate them or cut them up.
I mix the half/half, Sour cream and onion with the Cream of whichever soup I'm using. For the "Soul", I add minced or crushed garlic abt 1/2-1 teaspoon. I let that simmer and get warm so it's smooth but still thick. Then add the potatoes and mix it really well. And then pour it into the baking pan. This next part is where your personal style/taste variations come in. For me, this is the REAL SOUL: Traditional Mormons will use the the cheddar cheese and crushed corn flakes to sprinkle on top. For me, the Kellogg's kid.... I got something to say: DRY BREAKFAST CEREAL SHOULD NEVER BE USED IN CASSEROLES OR ON MEAT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR "CRUNCH!"
Back to the Soul.... instead of Cheddar cheese on top, I'll use a pepper jack and Colby mixture to add a little bit of "BITE" to it. And then garnish it with Bacon bits. NOT BACOS, people. Fry you up some bacon... (Traditional Mormons, bacon can be microwaved and done in the oven on broil if you watch it closely). Bake for about 30 minutes. Now that is some Mormon Funeral Potatoes with some soul.
OK next we have a traditional dessert called "Better than Sex" Cake. There are a multitude of variations for this dessert. Some aren't even remotely the same. So I'll post the most traditional recipe I can find:
1 package devil's food cake mix
1/2 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
6 ounces caramel ice cream topping
3 Skor or heath candy bars chopped
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1. Bake cake according to package directions for a 9x13 inch pan; cool on wire rack for 5 minutes. Make holes across the top of the cake (with wooden spoon handle), making sure not to go all the way through to the bottom.
2. In a saucepan over low heat, combine sweetened condensed milk and caramel topping, stirring until smooth and blended. Slowly pour the warm topping mixture over the top of the warm cake, letting it sink into the holes ; then sprinkle the crushed chocolate toffee bars liberally across the entire cake while still warm. (Hint: I crush my candy bars into small chunks as opposed to crumbs - I like to have pieces I can chew on!)
3. Let cake cool completely, then top with whipped topping. Decorate the top of the cake with some more chocolate toffee bar chunks and swirls of caramel topping. Refrigerate and serve right from the pan!
This is ALSO known as "Prophets Cake" Cuz it was good enough to serve to the prophet and more appropriate to say when people asked what it's called.
Next we have Frog eye salad. IF there's a way to put sugar in something and sweeten it up, Mormons are masters at is.
This is a pasta salad with fruit, coconut, whipped topping and mini marshmallows. I personally don't care for it but it IS a church Potluck Tradition:
1 cup white sugar
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups pineapple juice
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 (16 ounce) package acini di pepe pasta
2 (20 ounce) cans pineapple chunks
2 (11 ounce) cans mandarin oranges, drained
3/4 cup maraschino cherries, chopped
1 (16 ounce) package miniature marshmallows
1 (12 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1. In large saucepan over low heat, combine sugar, egg yolks, flour, pineapple juice and lemon juice. Stir and cook until thickened. Remove from heat.
2. While sauce is cooking, bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain and rinse with cold water.
3. In large bowl, combine cooked mixture with pasta and toss to coat thoroughly. Refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.
4. Toss pasta with pineapple, mandarin oranges, maraschino cherries, marshmallows and whipped topping. Refrigerate.
Now MY dessert is one we call GOUP! (pronounced goop). My Hawaii friends call it "Mormon Fluff Salad" And I think traditional Mormons simply call it fruit salad. Growing up we called it goup cuz we never knew the name for it and you just goup in on your plate. It's sugar shock heaven with all the flavor.
You need 2 cartons of whipped topping
2 pkgs of your favorite Jello. ( I like using the pineapples and orange flavors)
2 cartons of cottage cheese
couple cans of drained pineapple chunks
couple cans of drained Mandarin oranges.
1 Somewhat drain the cottage cheese so it doesn't have so much liquid on it.
Combine your containers of whipped topping and jello powder a large bowl.
Add cottage cheese, pineapple chunks, mandarin oranges.
Mix really well and refrigerate until thick and stiff.
When dessert comes around Goup it on your plates and enjoy.
** can be used with any flavor jello powder and fruit combinations
(peach and mango are my other favorites :)
On another hand, Mormons are particularly known for making Home made Ice cream, root beer, Bread, Freezer jam, and canning our own Salsa and tomato/spaghetti Sauces too from items we grown in our gardens. I thoroughly approve of such madness. It's cost effective and comes in very handy during the winter months. I dare say Utah alone keeps the GE Freezer company in business at LEAST for 2 financial quarter each year. Christmas traditions always consist of jars of homemade freezer jam, or a Canning jar with soup mix( just add water and meat), Cookie mix (just add butter and egg) and a bow tied nicely around the lid.
I must admit I've taken on the roll of making homemade treat baskets for Christmas. I like making the fudge, English toffee, sugar cookies, candy covered pretzels, Cinnamon rolls, french loaf breads and so on for the holiday season. I call it "Christmas Brunch in a basket"
Yup, we Mormons and our food traditions are something else. What I like about it is having the mind set to try different things and make it my own. I guess that's what Mormon cooking is all about. I've had jello cheese cake with strawberry jam on it masqueraded as Strawberry Cheese cake. I've had Dutch oven White cake (or Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls dough) and canned peaches masqueraded as peach cobbler. It's quite interesting to say the least. However you MUST admit pioneers knew how to make meals out of just about anything. Big Props for that, because when those hard times come again... and they will... you wont care if your peach cobbler is made from pop n fresh canned Cinnamon roll dough. You'll just praise the Lord and Pass the food. AMEN!
Black. Mormon. Girl. Here I will share my thoughts and beliefs about the spiritual chapter of my life. I will write of the things we do as a peculiar people as well as the experiences of being a Member of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. I want the world to know that I am not ashamed of that which guides me to be a better person and that which leads me to Christ. It's a great journey, I hope you'll enjoy the view from your seat
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
When Your Leaders Fall.
When your leaders fall you treat them as anyone one else who has fallen. You remember they, just like you, are human. You remind yourself that just as Jesus Christ has accounted for and paid for you, he has paid for them also and through his Atonement and his blood that was shed for each of us, they too will be justified.
You leave all unrighteous judgements to God the Father once again remembering that His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ is our mediator, our Savior. You ask for peace and comfort, give peace and comfort and continue to serve: AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I say these things today because I'm just getting home from church. If you were to read our ward bulletin today, it would look a little odd to you.
In the section where it says ward contacts you would see information about all the ward leadership starting with the 1st counselor of the bishopric. You would not see my bishop's name in that listing.
You would find his name on a different page announcing the times of his viewing and funeral.
On Thursday July 31, 2008, my bishop, using a gun, took his own life.
That's all I will say, without speculation, regarding his death.
I haven't been in this ward very long, just about 4 months. In that time, I've only met with the bishop 1 time. I've only talked to him twice.
Let me tell you what I know of him.
Saturday June 21, 2008. I'm sitting in a chapel in Midvale sobbing uncontrollably. My head is in some one's lap, I don't remember whose lap it was. There were arms around me, 2 people kneeling in front of me telling me to breath. I faintly hear... someone call the bishop. It may have been me, I'm not sure, that day is still foggy to me. All I know is I need help!
Within an hour I'm in a car headed to LDS Family an emergency trauma/crisis victim.
My bishop has just made an appointment for me on emergency status, and is paying for the charges from the ward fund for however long I need it.
Void of knowing who I am he is concerned for my welfare. I find out later that he was on the phone several times that day with my sister, and my other friends who were with me, making sure I was where I needed to be, comforted and safe. He would contact me in a couple days to follow up. The next 2 weeks for me were a blur. I would find out later, he called the Doctor I had seen several times, to be filled in on my treatments and how I was doing. He called my home as well, spoke to my sister to make sure I was progressing and doing well. He didn't want to interrupt my rest and would wait another week before actually speaking with me.
When I did meet with him, he showed so much kindness, support and love, for me, a member of his flock. Although he only knew me by name, He, my Shepherd tended me, his sheep as if he had known me since a little lamb of his own.
I think of the words from the hymn:
I stand All Amazed, 2ND vs:
" I marvel to that he would descend from his throne divine
to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine.
That he should extend his great love unto such as I
sufficient to own, to redeem and to justify."
Although his was not our savior Jesus Christ. He took on that roll as mediator, Shepherd and caretaker for me and hundreds of my ward brothers and sisters.
For this I am eternally grateful. Each time I step into my therapist office I give thanks to Bishop Williams for being one of my Shepherds at this time in my life when I need it.
God bless him and his family and Daybreak First Ward.
You leave all unrighteous judgements to God the Father once again remembering that His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ is our mediator, our Savior. You ask for peace and comfort, give peace and comfort and continue to serve: AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I say these things today because I'm just getting home from church. If you were to read our ward bulletin today, it would look a little odd to you.
In the section where it says ward contacts you would see information about all the ward leadership starting with the 1st counselor of the bishopric. You would not see my bishop's name in that listing.
You would find his name on a different page announcing the times of his viewing and funeral.
On Thursday July 31, 2008, my bishop, using a gun, took his own life.
That's all I will say, without speculation, regarding his death.
I haven't been in this ward very long, just about 4 months. In that time, I've only met with the bishop 1 time. I've only talked to him twice.
Let me tell you what I know of him.
Saturday June 21, 2008. I'm sitting in a chapel in Midvale sobbing uncontrollably. My head is in some one's lap, I don't remember whose lap it was. There were arms around me, 2 people kneeling in front of me telling me to breath. I faintly hear... someone call the bishop. It may have been me, I'm not sure, that day is still foggy to me. All I know is I need help!
Within an hour I'm in a car headed to LDS Family an emergency trauma/crisis victim.
My bishop has just made an appointment for me on emergency status, and is paying for the charges from the ward fund for however long I need it.
Void of knowing who I am he is concerned for my welfare. I find out later that he was on the phone several times that day with my sister, and my other friends who were with me, making sure I was where I needed to be, comforted and safe. He would contact me in a couple days to follow up. The next 2 weeks for me were a blur. I would find out later, he called the Doctor I had seen several times, to be filled in on my treatments and how I was doing. He called my home as well, spoke to my sister to make sure I was progressing and doing well. He didn't want to interrupt my rest and would wait another week before actually speaking with me.
When I did meet with him, he showed so much kindness, support and love, for me, a member of his flock. Although he only knew me by name, He, my Shepherd tended me, his sheep as if he had known me since a little lamb of his own.
I think of the words from the hymn:
I stand All Amazed, 2ND vs:
" I marvel to that he would descend from his throne divine
to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine.
That he should extend his great love unto such as I
sufficient to own, to redeem and to justify."
Although his was not our savior Jesus Christ. He took on that roll as mediator, Shepherd and caretaker for me and hundreds of my ward brothers and sisters.
For this I am eternally grateful. Each time I step into my therapist office I give thanks to Bishop Williams for being one of my Shepherds at this time in my life when I need it.
God bless him and his family and Daybreak First Ward.
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Hand in Hand
I earned some temporary wings!